Commemorating the centennial of the passing of the great Valencia- born painter Joaquín Sorolla, we are honoured to present this programme inspired by his extraordinary work, in which light plays a unique role, illuminating the everyday moments of the artist’s life and reflecting the style of an epoch.
The music of I. Albéniz and F. Mompou also take us into that new world, where light and sonority breathe in hitherto unexpected ways.
Sorolla and the composers whose works we have selected frequently stayed in Paris, which undoubtedly triggered and inspired their appreciation of new artistic worlds that reflect a new sensitivity and way of conceiving art.
have taken the liberty of offering as part of the programme my “Momentos Musicales-Impresiones”, the result of contemplation and perception of those day-to-day moments that illuminate us—if only for a moment—and allow us to comprehend everything else.
Homage to Sorolla
Sira Hernández - En el centenario de su fallecimiento.
“Compositora dotada de gran maestría en la búsqueda constante de su personal estilo intenso y original, lejos de la fácil complacencia de las modas, pero también como pianista de excepcional sensibilidad y destreza.”
Enrico Fubini