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1996_Sira Hernández Interpreta J.S. Bach

Sira Hernández interpreta

J.S. Bach

Composer: J.S. Bach

Pianist: Sira Hernández

Label: La Mà De Guido

Compositor: J.S. Bach
Intérprete: Sira Hernández
Sello Discográfico: La Mà De Guido

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01. Suite Francesa núm. 2 en do menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 03:38
02. Suite Francesa núm. 2 en do menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 02:26
03. Suite Francesa núm. 2 en do menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 03:46
04. Suite Francesa núm. 2 en do menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 01:38
05. Suite Francesa núm. 2 en do menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 02:50
06. Suite Francesa núm. 2 en do menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 02:48
07. Tocata i fuga en mi menor BWV 914J.S. Bach
00:00 / 07:42
08. Suite Inglesa núm. 3 en sol menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 03:16
09. Suite Inglesa núm. 3 en sol menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 06:19
10. Suite Inglesa núm. 3 en sol menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 02:50
11. Suite Inglesa núm. 3 en sol menor BJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 10:24
12. Suite Inglesa núm. 3 en sol menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 03:02
13. Suite Inglesa núm. 3 en sol menor BWJ.S. Bach
00:00 / 02:54

"Sira Hernández interprets Bach in a way I can not but label as being ideal. As it is impregnated with devotion and based on transparency. It is a Bach perceived Bach without being overdone, exuberant with force, forms and suggestions, of colours and perspectives in a supreme interpretation because it resolves the internal tensions without making them void. Under her fingers, the structure, the counterpoint and the melodic organisation, amongst others, gain their just proportion. The result is a speech of a nobility that imposes itself immediately.

When Bach is interpreted with the humbleness, that is, the grandeur with which Sira Hernández does it, the act of creation identifies itself with that of recreation and the interpreter shortens distances between themselves and the listener, who comes nearer to the composer in the former is capable of abandoning their apriorisms. Can one ask for more?"

Extract from the text written by Xavier Casanoves Danés for the booklet of the CD ‘Sira Hernández interpreta a J.S. Bach.’

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